Author, Speaker, Consultant, Coach, Ceremonialist
Weekly Ceremonial Circle
Meditation . Prayer . Connection . Guidance . Healing
The Comox Valley Ceremonial Circle is a heartfelt offering inspired by a deep intention I’ve felt growing within me over the past year. In a warm and inclusive environment, I will guide a shared journey of reflection, meditation, prayer, and energy healing, creating a ceremonial altar that invites healing, restoration and insights from within and around us. My hope is to provide a safe space that meets everyone where they are, encouraging us to slow down and embrace connection over distraction and drama. Here, we can nurture our spirits together and open ourselves to new experiences in community.
The Intention
Our Circle is a place to practice being in your heart, being in community, feeling connected, and opening to new things.
Unplug from your devices and vices. Reconnect with a deeper story of who you are. You don't have to "know what to do" or "how to do it," you just need to show up.
Together we are a Medicine for a world out of balance, and a time where wholeness can feel forgotten - even among the most beautiful places and privileges.
Some of us love the way of ceremony and will savor a space where we can receive and be nourished.
For those who are curious but don't really know what ceremony is - what it means to stop living from the mind, or how to shift into a soul-perspective and way of relating - we are gathering to remember and explore together.
All faiths are welcome. All life ways are welcome. All stages of life and wellness are welcome.
If you are willing, you are welcome.
Be present, be kind, and bring the whole of who and what you are. All that feels bright or broken is welcome.

R.S.V.P. Here
It helps to know who and how many are coming.
(It's ok if you change your mind!)
If we have your email, then we can send updates about the Circle.
What To Expect, What to Bring
Each gathering is a ceremony.
A sacred container where the Invisible World and the Powers of Life and the Love of Spirit are available to help and heal, comfort and nourish, if you are open and willing.
When you show up with intention, and a willingness to let go and feel, there is a lot that can happen for you and the prayers you bring.
The more you give, give in, give over...
the more you get.
Don't expect a lot of teaching or talking.
This is a practice of being in heart and soul; feeling, listening, receiving and releasing energy.
For each gathering we welcome you to
bring a cutting from a plant, bush or tree 6 to 12 inches long.
You will add this to our altar with your blessings. We will compost or burn all the offering plants after.
Please pray before you take the cutting, ask the Plant for permission, explain what the cutting is for, and please be sure you are not damaging something that cannot replenish easily.
If you have a special stone or crystal you would like to bring and take away, or give away for someone else's healing or inspiration, that can also be added.
There will be a time for healing energy and prayers, so you might reflect on your burdens, stress, frustrations, stuckness, hurt, fear and worry, and plan to leave them behind. We will offer a process for you to release the energy that no longer serves you each week.
Energy healers, shamanic practitioners, prayer practitioners, and others who practice healing arts are welcome to offer silently from their seat during the "healing round." Your presence matters!
Dress as you like, and be comfortable!
Please consider what it means to be respectful of others, and consider your use of fragrance and scent - as you may be close to others.
You can show up a little early and help others to find their way; we all appreciate a warm welcoming smile and greeting. There will always be ways to help and get more involved.
If you have a drum or play any type of portable drum - djembe, hand drum, whatever - please bring it! We might have a time to share our heartbeat in rhythm!